The Wasps By Aristophanes.
Oscar Rodolfo Velázquez.

Resultado de imagen para aristofanes las once comedias
Questions about the author: 
  1. ¿Which kind of author lies upon The wasps?
    1. An author that is a critic of the people in the goberment of his time and for that reason he made a review of them through a comedy to to ridicule them. A comedian.
  2. ¿Did he have in mind any reader?
    1. The greeks in the moment of the published comedy. All the people for the deep and timeless meaning.
  3. ¿Did he set a specific contract on it?
    1. Yes, the author believe of the critic spirit of the reader.
Resultado de imagen para aristofanes

Questions about Sources: 
  1. ¿Is History the real and direct source?
    1. Yes, because it represents the politics on that time.
  2. ¿How far personal affairs influence the Plot?
    1. There is a misterious, but probably, he could reflect his critics in Bdylocleon.
  3. ¿Is this a theater-play about Justice?
    1. The politican novel Animal Farm and the movie Catch me if you can.
  4. ¿Why talking and writing about Justice through comedy?
    1. Because he satirizes her through humor, which is a fine mockery of the abuses that people in power can commit.
Questions about anecdote: 
  1. ¿Is a love-hate relation between father and son? or
  2. ¿Is a justice-injustice one?
    1. It is a relation with love principally, but also, it has hate.
  3. ¿How worth is Justice in greek society?
  4. The theory of democracy is good, but in the practice in was a benefit for the gobernments.
Resultado de imagen para las avispas aristofanes

Questions about structure:
  1. ¿Is that kind of comedy structure made for  play performance?
  2. Yes.
  3. ¿How facts are put to deal kindly with argument and mise-en-scene?
  4. With only a few changes of escenaries.
Questions about Plot:
As a contemporary reader:
  1. ¿Can I find an example of Aristohane’s comedy in current Comedy?
    1. Yes, because the irony is used in comedies that critize the politics.
  2. ¿How important is irony since then?
    1. It´s central for it´s capacity to do an objective critic.
  3. ¿Should I consider Aristohane’s comedy a fixed model?
    1. Yes, becuse it was the new model of the comedy.
As an author: 
  1. ¿Aristhophanes can it make rise atention in contemporary audience?
    1. Yes, because it talks about a universal topic.
  2. ¿Coul it be modified to get expectations of contemporary audience?
    1. Yes, some expressions and objects of the modern context.
  3. It could have some Little modifications of the context.
    1. Yes, like phrases and objects.
Questions about Action:
  1. ¿Did author have another choice to write down his ideas on Plot?
    1. The irony was an effective way to crititic the politic of his time.
  2. ¿Is climax a paradigm to be broken?
    1. Yes, because it would appear in different moments.
  3. ¿How should climatic points be understood from the reader’s view?
  4. Like the circunstsnces of tension in the story.
Resultado de imagen para las avispas aristofanes

Questions about Time:
  1. ¿Is there any Narrative Technique I/You can identify for time developing?
    1. Start talking in present the memories of the past.
  2. ¿Why to use that kind in his work, by Aristophanes?
    1. To give some context to the reader and explain it.
Questions about Space:
  1. ¿Does Athens represent the whole Greece?
    1. Not, but an important cultural part.
  2. ¿Might Aristophanes foreshadow the present world?
    1. Yes, in a story that talks about universal valoues.
  3. ¿May we have a glance of the ancient Greece through The wasps?
    1. Yes, because the story was written in that time.
Questions about Narrator:
  1. ¿What kind of narrator is the Chorus?
    1. Witness outside the scene.
  2. ¿Why did Chorus dissapeared in Theater plays? 
    1. Because it doesn´t participate in the action.
Questions about Characters:
  1. ¿What kind of character is the protagonist?
    1. Bad, the father.
  2. ¿What kind of character is the principals?
    1. The contradictory personalities of the father Filocleon and his son Bdylocleon.
  3. ¿What kind of character is the antagonist?
    1. Bad, the wasps.
Questions about Expression forms:
  1. ¿How dialogues are performed?
    1. Between characters and the wasps.
  2. ¿Do dialogues truly belong to the character which realize them?  
    1. Yes.
Resultado de imagen para las avispas aristofanes

Questions about Ideas:
  1. ¿Which kind of idea shows the highest level among them?
    1. The idea of the manipulating people on the politic.
  2. ¿Why has the author done it so?
    1. Because he want to express the liberty that needs all people, in the especific case of the story, the  father.
  3. ¿What kind of thinking is for expressing ideas?
    1. Introspection.
  4. ¿How characters counciousness is made out in the drama?
    1. With the experience and the necesisity of have a better quality of life.
Questions about symbols:
  1. ¿What does represent father?
    1. Blindness.
  2. ¿What does represent son?
    1. Prudence.
  3. ¿What does represent dogs?
    1. The irrationality.
Questions about Meaning of the work:
  1. ¿Is The wasps important as classical Literature work?
    1. Yes, because his treatment of the necesity of have good politicians is basic.
  2. ¿Is It worth of universal recognition? ¿Why?
    1. It has universal recognition because it represnt universal values.
Questions about Reception of the work:
  1. ¿How different was meaning in his age and today’s?
    1. It´s vaery similar. Only different kinds of have personal benefits from politic.
  2. ¿Are you shocked with Aristophanes world?
    1. More less. Definitely, it has a frontal critic.
  3. ¿Are remaining values from the past in our present world?
    1. Yes, because they are timeless.
- Aristófanes (2006). "Las avispas", en el libro "Las once comedias". Editorial Porrúa, colección "Sepan cuántos": México, versión de Ángel Ma. Garibay (368 pp).
- Roldán, B. (2018). Apuntes de la clase de "Cultura literaria". Universidad Panamericana: Guadalajara.

- "Las avispas" puesta en escena de 1966, disponible en:

- Resumen de "Las avispas" disponible en:


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